The Relaunch Session #2: Cultivation, Stewardship and The Ask
Wed, Jul 29
|Online Zoom Event
Session #2 of The Relaunch will tackle critical issues surrounding donor cultivation and stewardship and making the ask. Special guest, Wanda Holland Greene. Join us on this journey to make our philanthropy programs more inclusive and antiracist.

Time & Location
Jul 29, 2020, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM PDT
Online Zoom Event
About the Event
While we can't build an antiracist philanthropy program overnight, we can continue our efforts to come closer. Join us for session #2 of our powerful series. Our focus will be donor cultivation and stewardship and making the ask. We will examine some of the practices that we traditionally use that help to perpetuate racial inequity and explore ways that we might use the opportunities that we have in our donor relationships to demonstrate cultural competency and create greater commitment to the mission of our organization. Â We'll be in conversation with Wanda Holland Greene, Head of School of Hamlin School and Trustee of Columbia University. Among her many accomplishments at Hamlin includes a major building project funded through philanthropy.Â
Join us on Wednesday, July 29th from 10:00 am-11:30 am Pacific Time. A Zoom link will be provided to you prior to the event after registering.Â
Please consider enrolling for Session #3 with Alison Park, Founder of Blink Consulting and Session #4 with Mitch Bostian, Head of School of The Berkeley School.Â
August 12
Events and Volunteer Engagement through an Equity Lens
In converation wtih : Alison Park, Founder, Blink Consulting
August 26
Setting Goals that Matter, Assessing Progress Towards Goals, Creating Incentives for TeamsÂ
Speaker: Mitch Bostian, Head of School, The Berkeley School
The Relaunch- Full 4 sessions
This ticket is for all 4 sessions. 7/15, 7/29, 8/21, 8/26 All sessions are Wednesdays from 10:00 am- 11:30 am Pacific Time
$350.00Sale endedThe Relaunch- Session 2 (7/29)
This ticket is for Session 2 of the Relaunch on July 29th from 10:00-11:30 am Pacific Time. Topic: Cultivation, Stewardship, and The Ask Special Guest: Wanda Holland Greene, Head of School & Nationally Recognized Leader in Education The Hamlin School
$100.00Sale endedThe Relaunch- Session 3 (8/12)
This ticket is for Session 3 of the Relaunch on August 12th from 10:00-11:30 am Pacific Time. Topic: Events and Volunteer Engagement through an Equity Lens Special Guest: Alison Park, DEI Expert and Founder, Blink Consulting
$100.00Sale endedThe Relaunch- Session 4 (8/26)
This ticket is for Session 4 of the Relaunch on August 26th from 10:00-11:30 am Pacific Time. Topic: Setting Goals that Matter, Measuring Progress & Creating Innovative Incentives for Teams Special Guest: Pending
$100.00Sale ended